697 Haywood Road C
Located in popular West Asheville next to Ingles Grocery, 697 Haywood St is a prime location for your business. Its location in a smaller strip shopping center gives you great neighbors and a sense of community. The building was built in 1966 and currently has 6 other businesses, including a restaurant, laundry mat, yoga studio and a nail salon. The visibility is good and the location can easily be seen by west bound traffic and the Ingles parking lot.
697 Haywood Street suite C offers approximately 2096 sq ft of space. It features a custom built bar, finished cement floors in the main room, utility sink in room behind the bar, storage room, 2 bathrooms, updated electrical, heat pump with central air conditioning.
We are looking for a minimum of a 2 year lease. Triple net. Monthly rent of $2700.00 and a current monthly T&I of $262.00.
From downtown Asheville, take I-240 W to West Asheville Exit (#2), right at exit onto Haywood Road, building is short distance on the right.